[EN] Nederlands  

The Open Web
Oct 29, 2009


Please register in advance, so we can make sure that conference materials and a badge are ready for you to pick up at the registration desk. It also eases our job to make sure there will be enough food and drinks.


Members of NLUUG and sister organisations (includin GUUG, DKUGG and USENIX) pay €135. NLUUG student members have free entrance to the conference.

Non-members pay €290. It is cheaper to register as a member[EN] first.

  Incl VAT Excl VAT
NLUUG members €135 €113,45
non-members €290 €243,70
NLUUG student members gratis gratis
students €26 n.v.t
volunteers gratis gratis
speakers gratis gratis

Members of UKUUG will get an extra 50% discount on the (member) entrance fee.


If you have not received an acknowledgement within 7 days after registration, please contact our office.

Bank transfer (within the Netherlands)

Postbank rekening 2353318
t.a.v. “NLUUG”
te Ede

Cash/debit card payment

If for some reason you can't pay in advance you can still pay at the registration desk using cash money or a debit card. Unfortuately you can't pay with a credit card.

International payments

IBAN: NL77 PSTB 0002 3533 18

Fall 2009


Association NLUUG
e-mail: info@nluug.nl