Configuration management with CFEngine 3

Spreker: Martin Simons


Brief overview of the history of Configuration Management and choices made today. DevOps needs automated CM as a commodity and their culture a key factor with regards to the choice of the tool to use. I will give an overview of the available tools on a conceptual level and dive into CFEngine on a technical level.

CFEngine is developing at a remarkable speed within version 3, so I initiated a global team in order to make sure that an up to date version of CFEngine is available for the popular Debian Linux distribution. Please find us on:

The debian-team are now moving towards (co)maintainership of the CFEngine3 Debian package.

Decisions made:

  • We build for Debian Jessie
  • Mechanism for continous delivery, following the heartbeat of the upstream project

The presentation covers the way we organized the project

  • Github as a cornerstone
  • Issue tracking
  • Pull requests
  • Building the package from the git repository
  • Testing the package

Demonstration of the newly built package on live machines

  • Bootstrapping a server
  • Bootstraping a client
  • Make a configuration step with the client


Martin Simons works at Webhuis.

Najaar 2013

Poster: (PDF)
Vereniging NLUUG
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