Using LibrePlan PM tool in a devops setting

Spreker: Jeroen Baten


Abstract: At a hospitalsite LibrePlan was first introduced and later expanded to include connections to Jira. Also a Dutch time registration application and a job scheduler were added. (All patches were sent back to the community.) Using the new functionality, programmers could do almost all of their work in Jira and only occasionally have to add info to the Timeregistration application. This way the progress of the project is easy to see and act upon and thus helping the ops department in their workplanning.


Jeroen Baten has been involved in Linux and Open Source since 1993, wrote more than 8 books on the subject and has more than 15 years of experience in the field. He co-initiated and was chairman at the T-DOSE foundation, which organises an Open Source conference every year. Jeroen is a former boardmember of the l’Accolade foundation, a campingsite for families with disabled children, former boardmember of the Open Source Business Club OSBC and is a volunteer firefighter in the townships of Son & Breugel and Culemborg (8 years in total).

Najaar 2013

Poster: (PDF)
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