DevOps Real World Example

From Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery
From Scrum Team to DevOps Team to Scrum Team
From Anglo-Saxon Model to Rhineland Model

Spreker: Tjeerd Verhagen


During this presentation multiple aspects of working in a Scrum / DevOps team will pass the review. Capturing many aspects from initial requirement till working software in production. Giving a overview from starting with a Continuous Integration chain and improve it in to a Continuous Delivery chain. Multiple tools will be shown as a working example of CI and CD. A good department / company leader will understand that this will be most successful in a organisation that understands the Rhineland model.

Methodologies: Kanban; Scrum; Agile Manifesto; Extreme Programming; Test Driven Development; Clean Code; Specification by Design; Anglo-Saxon Model vs Rhineland Model

Technologies: SCM (branching); Issue Tracking; Code Review; Unit-Testing; Code Coverage; Code Metrics; Continuous Integration; Continuous Delivery / Deployment; Virtualization; Source Code Analyzing; Artifact Repository; Document Generation

Tools: Eclipse; Eclipse-Plugins; Maven; Maven-Plugins; TestNG; Mockito; JaCoCo; Jenkins; Nexus; Sonar; Cucumber; Wiki; LTSP; Maven-Site; Generating HTML / PDF documents;


Tjeerd is a lead DevOps engineer with more than 10 years of Java experience. During all these years he has always had interest in all aspects of development. From initial requirements till running the software in production environments. Apart from all the technical skills, needed for that, he also got interested in an early stage, what methodologies there are to organise that work and how to make most out off a team.

Najaar 2013

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