NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2016: Programma

Legenda: Algemene activiteiten vinden plaats in de centrale hal of foyer. Thee en koffie is doorlopend beschikbaar. De presentatie sessies zijn in de afzonderlijke zalen te vinden.

tracks Zaal 1 Zaal 2 Zaal 3
8:30 Inschrijving, ontvangst, koffie
9:15   Openingswoord  
9:30 ManageIQ: Control your Cloud and Virtualization Services
Mike Hulsman
Sanoid - Enterprise Virtualization on a budget Virtualization
Jim Salter
Small Things for Monitoring
Jan-Piet Mens
10:30 Koffiepauze
11:00 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Powering 25% of the Web
Björn Wijers
An introduction to Kubernetes
Alessandro Vozza
minimesos, the experimentation and testing tool for Apache Mesos
Frank Scholten
11:45 DHCPKit, custom DHCPv6 servers
Sander Steffann
What's new in Logstash 5.0
Aaron Mildenstein
Two years of LibreSSL
Bernard Spil
13:15   NLUUG Algemene Leden Vergadering (ALV)
Zaal 1 Zaal 2 Zaal 3
14:00 Move Over, Rsync!
Jim Salter
Using Beats in the Elastic Stack
Aaron Mildenstein
Multi-platform continuous integration for KDE
Adriaan de Groot
14:45 English locale for the Netherlands (en_NL)
Sander van Geloven
Next Generation Config Mgmt
Code Orchestration: challenges of modern programming
Arnaud Loonstra
15:30 Koffiepauze
16:00 ODF: What to Expect Today
Ben Martin
Update on DRBD SDS
Philipp Reisner
XForms, The Only Standard Web Framework
Steven Pemberton
16:45   Keynote
Keynote: Fietsend Transformeren
Hans van Bommel
(gesponsord door Snow)

Najaar 2016

Vereniging NLUUG
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