What's up in modern C++

Speaker: John van Krieken


For this talk, I have selected some of the highlights in the three recent C++ standards: C++11, C++14 and C++17:

  • Smart pointers;
  • Lambda functions;
  • File system library.

As this is rather a lot I'll try to be brief on the C++11 aspect (it's been around for some time now) and focus on the changes brought along by C++14 and C++17.


John started out to be a chemist, but “soon” discovered this was not what he had in mind. He switched to computer science and started out as “scientific programmer”. After that came system- and network management.

Starting as free lancer he soon became involved in UNIX-related training, both networking and programming (C, C++ and Perl). After some time he switched to full time development. He is currently the proud owner of “tussen accolades B.V.” (or {tussen}) in which he takes on development work and C++ training.

najaar 2017

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