Google Diversity Travel and Conference Grant

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to encouraging women to excel in computing and technology, we are pleased to announce the Google NLUUG 2010 Conference Grant to encourage more female computer scientists to attend and participate in the NLUUG 2010 conference, on 6 May 2010 in Ede, The Netherlands.

We encourage all female computer scientists interested in system administration to apply.

The winner will receive:

  • free registration for the main conference
  • 300 euros for travel costs

To be eligible for a conference grant candidates must:

  • Be a female working in or studying Computer Science/System Administration
  • Have a strong academic background with demonstrated leadership ability
  • Attend the conference

How To Apply

To apply send an e-mail to by April 13 with the subject heading 'Google NLUUG 2010 Conference grant' containing:
  • your full name and email address
  • current address, contact phone number and copy of photo ID
  • your CV
  • 1-page statement (no more than 600 words) about why you wish to attend NLUUG 2010 and why attending is important to your research and/or career

Winners and claim process

The winners will be notified by e-mail by 15. April 2010.

Voorjaar 2010

Vereniging NLUUG
           postbus 8189
6710 AD Ede