Postgres for High Available Applications, part 2: a live migration from Oracle

Spreker: Michel Sijmons (Nibble-IT)


At the previous NLUUG conference, Michel covered the technical aspects of several client-cases where Postgres was used to implement a high-availability database platform.

This time, he will do a live demonstration of an Oracle database that is being migrated to PostgreSQL.


Michel Sijmons started working with databases in the late eighties. First as a developer and later as a DBA, consultant, architect and trainer. In 1996 he founded his own company Nibble-IT, which was specialized in embedding RDBMS systems within large logistic and financial companies. In 2000 Nibble-IT made the switch to Open Source databases. Today Michel advises large organizations in implementing Open Source RDBMS solutions in comparison to closed source solutions. Michel has been a trainer for more than 14 years for various database vendors and training companies. He likes the combination of doing projects and being a teacher.

Voorjaar 2014

Vereniging NLUUG
           postbus 8189
6710 AD Ede