boot2docker: Zero to Docker in 20 seconds

Speaker: Steeve Morin


What started as a hack has turned into a real operating system, used by tens of thousands of developers worldwide. And it all started because we found that having a full featured host operating system isn't needed to run Docker images.

boot2docker is essentially trying to change the way people develop, run and deploy software through Docker, across all OSes and hardware. It is opinionated, is distributed as an ISO image, and is read-only.

In this talk, I will not only present you what boot2docker is, but what we stand for, and why we think our choices change the way we deal with OS and how Docker is paving the way to the next generation of software.


Steeve Morin is freelancer, startupper in recovery, boot2docker creator, loving all things decentralized.

Voorjaar 2014

Vereniging NLUUG
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6710 AD Ede