RIPE Atlas and RIPEstat

Speaker: Bert Wijnen


Part of the mission of the RIPE NCC is to support core internet infrastructure, by providing active measurement data, and tools that visualize that data, together with registry, routing and DNS information.

RIPE Atlas is the biggest active measurement network in the world, with more then 5000 vantage points, small hardware devices hosted by community. We will present the latest features, use cases and future plans, including DSNMON, anchors, alerts and community developments.

RIPEstat is a main interface in all the data RIPE NCC collects: RIS (Routing Information Service) about BGP activity, registry information about IPv4, IPv6 prefixes and AS numbers, whois information including Routing Registry, RIPE Atlas, as well as the third-party data such as black-listing, geolocation, and M-Labs bandwidth measurements.


Bert Wijnen is a Research engineer at the RIPE-NCC in The Netherlands. He was formerly Senior Manager Internet Standards at Alcatel-Lucent and was a Senior Consulting IT Specialist at IBM, (where he worked for 28 years). Bert is a highly experienced and active participant in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), where he is currently Chair of the Network Configuration (netconf) Working Group. Previously, he has served as an IETF Area Director (in OPS and SUBIP). He is credited as an author on 28 RFCs.

Voorjaar 2014

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