There's a new job in town Devministrator

Kris Buytaert


"Some call this phenomenon devops, others agile system administration Truth is that agile techniques used in development have an impact on the way operations organizes it work. Similar, operations and sysadmins are becoming programmers because of the virtualization and automation trend where everything is managed through an API. So if you are a developer with a interest for system administration, or a sysadmin interested in development, join us on the first conference that focuses on bringing the best of both worlds together.

That's how DevopsDays09 was announced last Summer. It's a new movement, it's the way lots of SysAdmin people have been working, work, or should work.

Having worked this way for a couple of years now, and trying to promote this way of working, my Talk will summarise the ideas behind Devops, Devministration or whatever you want to name it.


Kris Buytaert is a long time Linux and Open Source Consultant doing Linux and Open Source projects in Belgium, Europe and the rest of the universe. He is currently working for Inuits. Kris is the Co-Author of Virtualization with Xen, used to be the maintainer of the openMosix HOWTO and author of different technical publications. He is a frequent speaker at different international conferences.

He spends most of his time working on Linux Clustering (both High Availability, Scalability and HPC), Virtualisation and Large Infrastructure Management projects hence trying to build infrastructures that can survive the 10th floor test, better known today as the cloud.

Voorjaar 2010

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