[EN] Nederlands  
"... NLUUG: 'Open' Minded ..."

What value does the NLUUG bring to you

The NLUUG spreads knowledge, offers services to the community and offers discounts on books, magazines and conference entrance fees.


  • entry to a network with knowledge through a members-only part of the NLUUG website where e.g. all conference papers since November 1993 are available for download.
  • On a regular basis publication of a free CD-ROM or DVD with a wealth of Open Source free software
  • Mailing lists where you can meet your peers
  • attend our major and smaller conferences and meetings. Members have precedence when there are too many registered attendees


  • In cooperation with SURFnet, NLUUG hosts an FTP server with over 13TB of Open Source software. This server is the primary source for several applications, including vim and open street map. Every internet user benefits from this.
  • NLUUG hosts several public mailing lists[EN].


  • Entrance to NLUUG conferences.
  • Discounts on entrance fees to some conferences by some UNIX/Linux organizations, like GUUG, UKUUG, DKUUG, and USENIX.
  • Purchase books at significant discounts through publishers Pearson Education. These books will then be delivered to your address. Every spring and autumn conference, we host a book corner where you can examine the books and buy them.
  • 30% discount on a subscription to the Dutch computer technology magazine "C't Magazine".

More information about discounts in the members-only part[EN] of this website.



Association NLUUG
e-mail: info@nluug.nl