[EN] Nederlands  
"... the future is Open ..."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

NLUUG Online Privacy and Anti-Spam policy

The NLUUG is the user group of (professional) Open Source and UNIX users in the Netherlands. Our main goal is to promote the use of, and knowledge about, Open Source, Open Standards and UNIX. We do so through facilitating the transfer of knowledge about Open Source amongst members and between members and other interested parties. Examples of the NLUUG's activities are organising technical conferences, maintaining an electronic magazine and hosting mailing lists.

In the course of our activities, we gather and store information about members and non-members. This policy defines how we treat and use that information.


For a number of reasons, the NLUUG has to know things about people and organisations that are members or who use or attend one of the NLUUG's activities. In the rest of this document we call this collection of knowledge "data".

We promise to be fair keepers of that data, and are bound by the following rules:

  1. We use the data that we gather in the course of our activities only for NLUUG business.
  2. We do not give out any such data to third parties (including the NLUUG's own members).
  3. We may use the data to inform you about activities of the NLUUG, or allied organisations, in which we feel you might be interested. A decision to do so is an NLUUG board decision.
  4. When we ask you to enter data, we give you the choice not to allow us to use this data to inform you about aforementioned activities.
  5. On your request, we will tell you what we know about you, and will correct any such data items that are verifiably incorrect.


With regard to the security of your data we promise the following:

  1. We take adequate security measures to protect data from being disclosed by intruders or hackers. Data is never stored where it can be reached directly through the Internet (e.g. the web).
  2. We do not keep electronic records of financial data items (such as credit card numbers) beyond what is necessary to secure required payments.

E-Mail addresses

With regard to e-mail addresses we promise the following:

  1. We never give out e-mail addresses or subscriber lists of NLUUG mailing lists to third parties. When sending messages across an NLUUG mailing list, we will take care to hide the recipients.
  2. We will not engage in the practice of spamming, i.e.: sending unsolicited e-mail messages to unknown persons. Only people who have given us their e-mail address can expect mail from us.
  3. If you are on a mailing list, you will have a facility at your disposal to remove yourself from the list. You will be reminded of this facility in every mail that is sent through the list.

If you want to converse with somebody about this policy, or are interested in what we know about you, please contact the NLUUG through info@nluug.nl.


Association NLUUG
e-mail: info@nluug.nl