Papers 2019-

Overzicht van beschikbare papers, presentaties en video registraties van door de NLUUG (mede-)geörganiseerde bijeenkomsten.


Legenda: = abstract, = download slides, = slides extern, = bekijk op youtube.

2022/11/29NjConf programma
Lucinda Sterk Keynote: Talk nerdy to me
Marcel Kornegoor Course as Code: the future of AT Computing's training courses
Ondřej Caletka Run your own networking lab with Vagrant and Ansible
Andreas Hülsing An update on NIST's PQC standardization process
Michiel Leenaars NLnet and NGI Zero: working for the internet
Joost van Dijk From passwords to passkeys: what's new with FIDO?
Kris Buytaert Help My Datacenter is On Fire
Sake Blok LOG4SHELL: Getting to know your adversary
Joyce Mellens Caer: An IoT Firewall for consumers
Francisco Dominguez & Zawadi Done Automating incident response should be the default
Rob Hulsebos OT Cybersecurity Challenges
Riccardo ten Cate & Glenn ten Cate Exploitation, automation, mitigation
2022/05/10VjConf programma
Brenno de Winter keynote: Pandemie + Security != Kattepis
Emile Aben The Internet in Ukraine (and what we can learn from it)
Jeroen Baten Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with Odoo
Jos Bredek Slim vest met realtime edge-computing
Jilles & Jurre Groenendijk No, we won't fix your computer
Benno Overeinder Internet Standards: The IETF Process
Mark Overmeer Open Search with Skrodon
Wouter van Rooij Secure Development Lifecycle in open source projects
Robin Sommer Spicy: Creating Robust Parsers for Dissecting Network Protocols
Willem Toorop Het opzetten van een Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) baken
Arien Vijn De techniek bij Freedom Internet
Machteld Vrieze How will the EU new legislative frameworks impact the digital infrastructure?
Erik van Zijst Open Silicon
2021/11/11NjConf programma
Sjoera Nas Keynote: It's the metada, stupid! Privacy versus de grote cloudproviders
Attilla de Groot Integrating host networking with EVPN
Dennis Baaten & DANE for SMTP
Eiger Jonker May Contain Hackers 2022, the Dutch hacker camp after SHA
Jaap Akkerhuis The sky is falling: The sun is exploding, duck! Revisited
Martin Pels 10 years of NLNOG RING
Mischa Peters The OpenBSD hypervisor in the wild, a short story, but getting longer
Pieter Lexis YANG and NETCONF for Systems Administration?
Rudi van Drunen What are FPGAs anyway and why is it fun to play with them?
Sake Blok TLS decryption in times of Perfect Forward Secrecy
Vesna Manojlovic Technical Communities Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic
Walter Lioen Snellius: the latest Dutch national supercomputer
Wouter de Vries Anycast: What is it and How to measure it
2019/11/21NjConf programma
David Blank-Edelman Keynote: SRE101: Lessons from a Parallel Universe
Andreas Hülsing Post-quantum cryptography
Bram Cappers Eventpad: Cybercrime Analysis Using Visual Analytics
Carlo Berto An update on RPKI
Carlo Meijer Self-encrypting deception
Debarshi Basak Next generation app security and mitigation for Lawfirms
Edwin van Andel Endnote: Tales (Fails) from the trenches…
Eric Verheul Remote Document Encryption
Hagen Bauer Treating documentation as code
Martin Geusebroek Counter social engineering
Michael Boelen Let's create better* scripts
Michiel Leenaars The Commons Conservancy
Moritz Müller Roll, Roll, Roll your Root — first DNSSEC Root KSK Rollover
Peter Lexis Running containers with systemd-nspawn
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij QBC: The Quantum Blockchain Cloud —debunking quantum myths and fables
Sebastian Österlund RIDL: Rogue In-Flight Data Load
Thomas Attema Cryptographic applications of quantum mechanics
Wim ten Have What does vNUMA actually mean?
2019/05/23VjConf progamma
Frank Karlitschek Keynote: ownCloud/nextCloud, why I forked my own project and my own company
Alexios Zavras Making Open Source Easily Usable
Amir Jerbi Keeping your Kubernetes secured using kube-hunter, kube-bench and microscanner GitHub
Andy Miller Quickly build a personal resume site with Grav, a modern flat-file open source CMS
Bert Hubert DNS & TLS SNI: Now with encryption… and cloud
Esther Crabbendam Protection of data, privacy and online freedom in a fast changing world
Joost van Dijk FIDO2 and Web Authentication
Kashyap Chamarthy Effective Virtual CPU Configuration with QEMU and libvirt
Maxim Burgerhout End-to-end automation with Ansible
Mike Hulsman The NLUUG FTP server
Olivier Lambert XCP-ng: building an Open Source and turnkey virtualization platform
Reinoud van Leeuwen Built-in security in an agile online software development environment
Robert Altnoeder Software Defined Storage the Linux way
Rudi van Drunen CI CD in a Modern World
Suzanne Daniels From Clippy to Kernel

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